Saturday, January 14, 2012

You Know Why I'm Not Into Occupy Wall Street?

From November 18, 2011

Because I don’t put my faith in the government.  And I know that everybody doesn’t have that luxury.

But they could.

Matthew 6:25-33
Philippians 4:19

So yeah, there’s debt from my incredibly expensive college education lurking around back there (thank goodness for forbearance).  Yeah, I’m currently unemployed.  Sure, I’m in the 99% or whatever.  But I’m completely fine.  And I’m gonna be fine.

And it could always be worse.  It’s ironic to me the kinds of people for the most part backing this movement.  So many people are getting screwed over by our system, yes - but the ones protesting are shooting videos of the action with their iPhones, and it’s so hard to be sympathetic to that when there are people who have no idea that Occupy Wall Street is going on because they’re starving somewhere in Africa.

Or starving somewhere right down the street from me.

And I’m sure there are homeless people involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, so I’d hate to be the one to generalize when I honestly don’t know too too much about what exactly is going on, but here, I find this article to be very interesting:

I just feel like the ones who are most desperate, the ones who actually have the most right to complain about their situations are the ones not causing a ruckus in New York City because they’re too busy trying to figure out where their next meal is coming from.  They’re more likely to hold up signs that say “hungry” than “Occupy Wall Street!”, and it’s not that I’m not sympathetic to what Occupy Wall Street stands for - I am - but I admit that I am quite wary as to what this method is actually accomplishing.

I feel like it’s the cool thing in our generation to be revolutionary, but it’s less of being revolutionary for a purpose, but more so just for the sake of being seen as some cool revolutionary.  If that makes sense haha I feel like at this point, the flaws and corruption of this system are so deeply rooted that pissing off a bunch of rich people is not going to make any difference.

Which is why I’m not holding out hope that our government can change.  But I am living on the hope that my God will provide for me.  And the Occupy Wall Street movement is protesting greed, but I find the whole movement in itself to be quite self focused.  It’s the 99% wanting the money that the 1% has - is that not just another form of greed?

The issue is that we all - whether we’re filthy rich or terribly poor - put all of our stock in money, as if all of the answers to life and our true happiness lie in it, and it doesn’t at all.  And whether you have a lot of it or none of it, you’re eventually just going to die and it won’t matter anyway.  That’s why we have to put our stock in something else.  There’s a greater purpose out there - it’s not money, it’s the love of Jesus, and there’s enough to go around plenty for everyone.

And I don’t have much money at all, but I am so satisfied with my life simply because I have Him.  Money doesn’t matter.  People will try to call me a liar, try to debate that, but it doesn’t.  I find that all of my needs always end up being provided, and I don’t have to protest or covet anyone else’s money.  I’m taken care of.  Putting my trust in Jesus has proven to be the best thing for my life.

So let the rich keep their money.  It’s not going to benefit them in the grave, I’ll tell you that much.  Is it right for them to hoard the money to themselves?  I certainly don’t think so, but you can’t put your faith in humankind because that will absolutely fail you.  That’s why I’ve practically abandoned politics, because Republican or Democrat, it’s all corrupt, it’s all flawed, and as much as I want to believe in a system that will equally cater to every single person they’re supposed to represent and protect - regardless of class - I know too much greed and selfishness exist in this convoluted bureaucracy for that to ever truly happen.  So I’ll just do my part - instead of trying to depend on the government to help those in need, I’ll just give what I can, hope others do the same, and pray through it all, knowing that my God will be faithful.

I don’t know if this is too controversial or not.  And I don’t claim to know all I should about Occupy Wall Street and all of those involved.  I just know that I don’t feel the need to protest, because my life is not in the hands of those on Wall Street, contrary to popular belief.

And I also believe we need to keep the right perspective about this.  We fall so easily into this “oh, poor little me!” trap, when in reality, most of us are far more blessed than we ever realize.  We gotta check ourselves.  Are we just mad at the rich because they have more than us and we want more, too?  Because that makes us just like them.  Not saying that’s the case with everyone - but we just gotta check ourselves.  You don’t have to be rich to be greedy.

That’s all.  Not looking to incite anything or to shove my beliefs down anyone’s throat or even looking for people agreeing with me.  That’s just been mulling around my head, so I wrote it.  The end.

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