Beth and I talked to a man who was asking for money/food/help on the side of the road today who had such a strong and inspiring faith in the Lord. Though troubled to the point that he has to resort to standing at the exit of the highway, depending on the generosity of people who for the most part just drive on by without a glance, he could not stop talking about the goodness and faithfulness of God.
He told us about how he gave all that he had to a couple of hitchhikers a little bit earlier before we got to him, and it was so striking to me. This guy is begging for food and money on the side of the road, yet gave what he had to others in need! Meanwhile, people in their overpriced cars just drive on by the EIGHT people who were standing on the same stretch of road, asking for anything that could help. I know I cite this passage all the time, but it just makes me think of the story in the Bible of the poor woman who gave all she had to the church, and it meant more than the Pharisees who weren’t giving a bigger quantity, but it didn’t even put a dent in their pocket.
But man, this man’s faith was incredible! He said he and his wife had been homeless for a year, but just three weeks ago , the church provided them with a house. He just kept on telling us that God will provide all of our needs and how important it was to walk with God. That God put him there on the side of that road for a reason - to witness to people. He was much more content, much nicer, had a kinder spirit than most people I know - people who have more than they need, yet struggle to find joy. Which just makes me so sure of the joy and peace that the Lord provides. He is the true, foolproof answer! People look to everything else to fill in that void, to find their identity and acceptance. This man just looked to God, and he so evidently found so much joy in that.
He told us that he had to pay his electric bill by the beginning of January, but wouldn’t be working until the end of January - that’s why he was out there. When I told him I hoped he got the money for the bill, he was so confident that he would. Now that’s unbridled faith in God! What a blessing to have that brief conversation with that man. Usually we just roll down the window and hand the people bags when stopped at stop lights, but we couldn’t in that case without stopping in the middle of the street and holding up traffic, so we parked and got out, and I’m so glad that we did. If only we would’ve had time to talk to him more.
I just wanted to share that, because I found his trust in the Lord to be so encouraging. He couldn’t stop talking about God, and that’s so telling. When you’re passionate about something, when you believe in something, when you love something - you talk about it non-stop, and I could see that in him. And if someone in his place can be so fervent for the Lord, then I certainly can in the midst of all my privilege. He was right - God did place him there for a reason.
I believe you develop the most faith in God when you go through the most troubling of circumstances. I’ve seen it the past few months of my own life, and it was further proven today, coming across this man. And it’s also encouraging to see that God has been faithful to him. Maybe not in the way we’d expect in our materialistic society where we think we need more than we actually do to survive. But God gave him a home, and God will pay his bills. God is faithful if we give our lives to him.
On a side note, gosh, I feel so blessed to be able to serve with my best friend. I’m realizing that it’s one of my favorite things to do, and I’m glad I can share in that with Beth. It’s just become so special to me, and I’m grateful for that.
Merry Christmas and God bless!
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