Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ephesians 5:18

From May 23, 2010

“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

God is enough for me.  It’s not about the “do not” here.  I don’t abstain from alcohol because of a law, a commandment, because “I’m not supposed to drink.”

There’s nothing wrong with a drink.  Yeah, I said it, and I truly believe it.  There’s nothing wrong with two drinks, three drinks, whatever.  But when it becomes a substitution for something real - a shallow means of fulfillment or enjoyment, something that transforms your state of mind into something unrecognizable - then that’s a problem.  Though personally, I think the act as a whole - no matter the quantity - is pointless (not wrong, but pointless), but that’s just me.  But intoxication has to be one of the more pathetic things I have ever witnessed.

And I do not want to be filled with that when I have the Holy Spirit.  All I ever want to be filled up with is God.  It’s not that I don’t drink because I’m not supposed to.  I don’t drink because I don’t like it.  And because I have something so so so much better.

As I wrote on July 26, 2009 in a facebook note:

“I want to breathe in the fresh air, get naturally high off the endless supply of oxygen. Yet I want to be completely sober for every second of my life - the amazingly good, the heartbreakingly bad, the obnoxiously average - just to experience it in utmost clarity and take every single second in, because I’m never going to get those seconds back, and we’re all running out of seconds, aren’t we?”

That sums it up for me right there.  You do what you do.  Honestly, I’ll love you all the same.  But don’t for a second try to make me out to be ridiculous because I refuse to use anything as crutch.   I swear, if I get one more incredulous look, one more “Oh, loosen up and have a drink”…

That’s all.  Agree with me, be pissed with me, ignore me, but that’s how I feel about the matter.  And believe me, this is not a blog of condemnation.  This is one of self-justification.  Defending my beliefs as opposed to putting down anybody else’s.

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