Saturday, January 14, 2012

Practical Application for Abortion Issue

From September 21, 2011

Imagining what would happen if every single person who is opposed to abortion put down the picket signs and bumper stickers and instead went to personally engage with these mothers who honestly feel like abortion is their only option and went, “No, it’s not your only option. And I’m going to help you as much as I can with your child.”

Just imagining how huge of an impact it would be.  If all of us who are pro-life developed a meaningful relationship with these people considering abortion, got to know them, really showed them love and yes, used the finances that God blessed us with, that aren’t even ours, to support these women so they can feel confident that they actually had the means and support to provide for a child.  Or if we were like, “Still not convinced?  Okay - bring the baby to term, and then I’ll adopt him/her.”

Because, yes, a fair share of people do have abortions as a way not to deal with the consequences of their actions, even if they do have the means and such to provide for a baby.  But so many people honestly feel like it’s their only option, because they live well below the poverty line, and they’re practically on their own, and there’s no one out there really willing to help them out.  They can barely provide for themselves - they can’t imagine how they can provide for a child, too.

If we gave our time, support, and money directly to these impoverished, struggling mothers instead of to these campaigns that do nothing but piss people off, I think that’s when we’d see a real difference.

It’s so easy to oppose a situation, but also keep ourselves so removed from that situation.  To protest and speak angrily against something and somehow feel like that’s making a difference - that’s easy.  To actually put ourselves and our possessions on the line, to truly invest in a person instead of a cause - that’s what’s hard.  And we don’t do it nearly enough as supposed followers of Jesus.  I guarantee you Jesus wouldn’t be standing outside abortion clinics, holding some abrasive sign.  No - He’s be with those who are considering abortion, showing them true love.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

Angry protests and acidic words aren’t true Christianity in practice.  Living out Jesus’ words in sincere love that inspires meaningful action is.

Just some thoughts.  Kind of incomplete thoughts, but that was just rolling around in my mind.

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