Just thinking about how mad we all get (myself definitely included) when we have to experience the consequences of something we had nothing to do with. Whether it’s being wrongfully blamed for something or even cleaning up after someone else’s mess - it’s so aggravating, and of course “unfair.”
But then I think about how, well, technically I should’ve been the one hanging off of a wooden cross, being punished for my own sinful nature. That really should have been me, atoning for my own sins, if we want to talk about “fair.” But Jesus stepped in instead. Having lived a flawless life, He had no sins to make repentance for. Yet He still willingly let Himself be crucified for every single person.
No wonder Paul is so convinced in Romans 8:38-39 that nothing can separate us from the love of God. He sacrificed His own Son for the sake of a bunch of people who for the most part constantly and completely disregard Him. That’s the kicker. It’s not like Jesus just sacrificed Himself for people who would appreciate it. He sacrificed Himself for everyone.
And I was just reading a devotional about it, and it stated something so true - we owe Jesus our lives. It’s like an episode of one of those TV shows when the main character accidentally saved someone of a different culture’s life, and the person who has been saved says something along the lines of “I am eternally indebted to you and owe you for saving my life.” And that character proceeds to serve the protagonist - well, that’s what it should be like with us with Jesus, right?
I don’t want a moment to go by where I don’t realize and appreciate what exactly Jesus’ sacrifice means for my life. And I don’t want that sacrifice to be in vain. And because I’ve accepted Jesus into my heart as my Savior, it’s not, but there are moments where I behave in a way I shouldn’t, and it’s like - Jesus sacrificed Himself for me, and I can’t simply glorify Him with my actions? It really drives things into perspective. My life has to be all about Him, all the time. Look what He did for me! Look how He loves me! How could I not feel so compelled to give Him everything I have, because He gave me everything He had - His life!
Obviously I wrote this because it’s Good Friday, but I’m going to strive to dwell on this every day. Jesus’ sacrifice doesn’t mean something just today. It means something every single moment for the rest of eternity. And another thing - how can I ever complain, be upset, wade in negativity, when the most amazing act of love was committed on my behalf? For that single fact alone, I should be happy all the time. Life is not perfect at all. Plenty of terrible things and even just moderately bad things happen often. But hey, Jesus loves us so much that He died for our sakes, so that we may live forever with Him. I think that’s worth always smiling over. In fact, I feel so happy right now. It’s just…wow. I am so blessed. We all are.
Anyway, Happy Good Friday!
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